100% module coverage, including RTPs, MTPs, PYQs, and ICAI MCQ case scenarios—fully updated till your respective attempt!
Batch 1 - Live
Date of Commencement: 21st Mar 25
Date of Completion: 30th June 25
Time : 7 AM To 9.30 AM
Batch 2 - Recorded
Date of Commencement: 3rd Oct 24
Date of Completion: 31st Dec 24
CA Sankalp Kanstiya
began his career at JP Morgan Chase, brings 12+ years of teaching experience, blending concepts with practical insights. Founder of a Mumbai-based educational venture, he has been a faculty at ICAI, BCAS, ICSI, and ICAI’s Live Virtual Classes.
Cancellation/ Refund Policy
* Course once purchased cannot be canceled & fees are non-refundable.
* Subscribed Courses cannot be changed with another course.
* The course is non-transferable.